The Green Mile

I thought I would start the travel blog that I always promised I would. Although I have been keeping a proper pen and paper diary #danfrank,  I’m also going to have a stab at this for some of the guys in Blighty, Paris, and the U.S. who want to keep updated on my global shenanigans. I’ll write as and when I feel like it or when demand requires. If you don’t care, stop reading now, it’ll admittedly be slightly stupid and self centred, as it’s written by me about me. I can feel it coming…

I am now 2 months into travelling this ever shrinking world, having conquerered the west coast of Canada and America with my trusted steed (Thomas Fleurot. Keeper of the Parisian order) I’ve also already voyaged the many paradisal islands of Fiji and now half of the New Zealand. I cannot hark back and discuss anything in great detail as yet, for that would take some great deal of sifting and sorting which frankly I haven’t the time and neither do you. You’re busy, I’m busy.

As it is now, straight from the horses mouth:
I’m currently sat in the middle of a prison hallway, typical like that from any film you’ve seen. The thick iron doors lined up and looming at me from all heights and angles. For the next 2 nights, I will literally be staying behind bars in a tiny cell paired with a Dutch guy whose name I’ve already forgotten and will have to contrive to find out again. What was once a maximum security prison was recently turned into a make shift hostel, it’s cold, eery, and me being one for partial paranoia, I sense very bad spirits have been and still lurk here. I can hear the echoing buzzing tension of pure evil… or the electric strip lights, I’m the only one still up and I have a vivid imagination for this kind of situation. Anyway. My current location is Christchurch, in the south of New Zealand, literally rocked 2 years ago by an earthquake which it’s only now starting to recover. Scaffolding decorates and clings to most buildings unlucky to have felt the full force of the flexing tectonic plates. I’ve still got a lot of New Zealand to see and discover and I will do so at my pace, travelling between places by word and mouth. For now after being here a little over 2 weeks, I’m understanding the beauty of the country. Breathtaking moments are frequent and I daren’t gasp anymore for using it all up in short time. Basically, the whole country  is filled with dreamy luscious green landscapes. It’s true. Lakes and rivers weave between mountains, hills and glaciers of epic proportions…. Midgets and minotaurs play flute and all the peasants and peacocks dance to the merry tune, it’s fucking glorious. The descriptions of this land are straight out of a book where the characters may/may not be travelling a great distance to rid themselves of a piece of finger jewellery. An angry, wise old wizard may/ may not feature frequently, and large hairy feet may be an enjoyable sub-plot. I digress.

My travels so far have been enlightening. Since leaving the big smoke I’ve not stayed in the same bed more than 2 nights. I’m constantly moving by any means that will take me. On the road meeting new people and saying goodbye to fleeting friends, making solid friendships each evening only to be forgotten the next day as we head our separate ways. Nothing is constant except bread, a beard and my backpack. 16.3kg, my life can be measured by weight. My shell, providing me with everything from warmth and practicality to pocket squares and the finest French perfumes to occasionally mascarade my homeless lifestyle and provide a hint of what I once so recently was. I have little possessions for a year or so. Anything I consider adding to my itinerary must go through vigorous questioning as such: Do I have room, is it necessary and what must be sacrificed. The more questionable, impractical, outlandish clothes have been the major casualties so far. But never shall the blazer be left behind, to my blazer I am steadfast and true. A man must look good as he cavorts the globe.

See if you can find me in Jail.
See if you can find me in Jail.

Rather than go into each and every experience I’ve had so far, I will be mainly writing floaty, fairly generic values and day to day thoughts. Also there is too much to tell and I have not been given the beauty of hindsight or time for reflection as yet, I’m living amongst what I am telling, most of it has not set as memory to tell. I merely have a lump of experiences and images dancing through my head, difficult to capture and put down into brief words. Instead I will add that I’m having a ball. The world is a good place, good people exist everywhere and humour and positivity triumphs over all. I’ve seen many great landscapes, interacted with wild animals land and sea. I’ve seen more cities than I care to remember and I am slowly learning how similar and unified they all are by their predictability. Although an “Englishman does not travel to meet Englishmen” I have realised that there are others out there like me from all corners of the globe. Surprisingly most are travelling alone, with the same values as I, in the same slightly dazed, slightly confused but excited and enthusiastic mindset. I like to meet people of course, but I am also revelling in the solitude of each  new country,  each new place. I turn up unannounced and unnoticed. I’m an alien, I am the foreigner around here. And I have to put myself out there day after day and see if I work and I love it.

Prisoner DT51088 is off to bed.

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